What the hell is tire oil? Is it good or bad for tires?

What the hell is tire oil? Is it good or bad for tires?

Every time the car is washed, the car wash shop will apply a layer of tire oil to the tires. Looking at it directly, the tires are very bright and new. but

After the car wash, some car wash shops usually provide an additional service: brush a layer of tire oil on the car tires. Such additional services are free, and it is definitely better to do it than not to do it well. Many drivers think so.

The workers in the car wash shop also said that applying tire oil is to put a protective film on the tires to prevent the sun from harming them. In fact, unclean oil contains a variety of chemicals that can corrode tire rubber and damage tires. Car wash shops on the street seldom provide high-quality tire oil. Using it for free service will accelerate the aging of tires.

What the hell is tire oil? Is it good or bad for tires?

Expert reveals: In fact, this “tire oil” is just an ordinary cleaning agent, not a professional tire protection product packaged independently. Individual products even boast that they are anti-fouling, anti-aging, and anti-static. In fact, this is just the manufacturer’s promotional effect. General tire care products cannot fully achieve these three points. At best, they can only protect tires from acid rain. . In addition, the main component of this “tire oil” is oily.

Tires are most afraid of oily products and weak bases and weak acids (such as soapy water). If you often use the above items to clean the tires, it will cause serious damage to the outer rubber of the tires. This is not worth the loss for car owners who want to maintain their tires. The next time you encounter this kind of “tire oil”, car owners will have to say “NO” categorically. 

Professional repair shops will use silicone oil to maintain tires, and their products are purchased directly from chemical factories. Generally, it is difficult to buy complete sets of products on the market. To quickly distinguish whether the main component of a certain tire product is silicone oil, you can use your hands to pick up a little product. If it feels smooth, it is silicone oil. Other products do not have such a texture.

What the hell is tire oil? Is it good or bad for tires?


1. Try to put the car in a cool place when parking, which can not only reduce the aging of the leather seats in the car, but also reduce the aging speed of the rubber tires;

2. Try not to use tire oil to “maintain” the tires after washing the car, and do not let corrosive chemicals touch the tires.

Content source: China Tire Business Network.