When the country is in trouble, everyone is responsible! Support the front line, start with me! The love of the Zhengzhou team is in action

When the country is in trouble, everyone is responsible! Support the front line, start with me!

The Spring Festival of 2020 is destined to be extraordinary, and the pneumonia epidemic caused by the new coronavirus affects the hearts of people all over the country. The whole country, unite as one, actively respond to the pneumonia epidemic caused by the “new crown” virus! For this reason, the cross-country e-family Zhengzhou team and Kyushu Coldplay self-driving tour club also took active actions to deal with the new crown pneumonia epidemic that poses a serious threat to the lives of the people, calling on all riders to urgently raise funds and contact the urgently needed disinfection at various front-line stations Protective materials, and actively assist relevant government departments to work together to win the battle against the epidemic.

Since the beginning of the epidemic, the supply of medical supplies and protective supplies across the country has been in short supply, and all factories in related industries are working overtime, so it is difficult to obtain supplies. On February 10, 2020, I finally contacted a Medical alcohol and 84 disinfectant were approved, and a donation proposal was issued immediately on the same day.

To this end: the off-road e-family Zhengzhou team and the Kyushu Coolplay self-driving tour club are now launching a fundraising campaign. As an off-road person who yearns for outdoor travel and car fun, we must no longer stand idly by. We help each other in the usual car play scenes Mutual aid, in times of crisis when the country is in trouble, we have to work together to overcome difficulties together! Maybe these donations are nothing to you, but these small amounts of love are the greatest contribution to the prevention and control of the epidemic. These protective materials are life insurance in front of the epidemic!

From noon on February 10 to 12 noon on February 11, 78 caring car lovers extended a helping hand in just one day! The total amount of donations: 25,200 yuan (25,200 yuan).

The list is announced below (most of the names are Internet names): 1, Yongge 500 yuan

2. Pilot 500 yuan

3. The weight is 500 yuan

4, Xiao Li 500 yuan

5, product 500 yuan

6. Red wine 500 yuan

7. Pioneer pony 200 yuan

8. Toss 500 yuan

9. Hu Qing 200 yuan

10, spring 500 yuan

11. Rain or shine 500 yuan

12. Ye Weiyang 500 yuan

13. Songbei 500 yuan

14, Tian Tian 500 yuan

15, Sun Tao 500 yuan

16, time 500 yuan

17, Dongliang 500 yuan

18, oh sell ga 200 yuan

19, Xiao Hu 200 yuan

20, Li Xiaoniu 500 yuan

21, 200 yuan tomorrow

22, Peng 200 yuan

23, bouncing 200 yuan

24, eleven 200 yuan

25, good 200 yuan

26. Xu Chuang 200 yuan

27, Dabin 500 yuan

28, 200 yuan on the road

29, old watch 500 yuan

30, Yangyang 200 yuan

31, childlike innocence 500 yuan

32, Tang Hao 200 yuan

33, Alice 200 yuan

34. Du Peng 500 yuan

35, silence 500 yuan

36. Ambition 200 yuan

37. Tang Sheng 500 yuan

38, bright starry sky 500 yuan

39, stay 200 yuan

40, Kaling 500 yuan

41, Brother Maozi 200 yuan

42, happiness 200 yuan

43. Feng Jianwei 200 yuan

44. Lao Hu 500 yuan

45, 200 yuan per person

46, 200 yuan for the sixth child

47. Lao Zhao 200 yuan

48, 200 yuan for gourmet customers

49, Tengger 200 yuan

50, Dream Knight 200 yuan

51, the heart is wild 200 yuan

52, dumplings 200 yuan

53, bullets fly 200 yuan

54. Song Aguai 200 yuan

55, 500 yuan for passers-by

56, seven brother 500 yuan

57. Tingzi’s father 200 yuan

58, Yifeng 200 yuan

59, ice kiss 200 yuan

60, Pingan 200 yuan

61, 200 yuan around

62, cheetah 500 yuan

63, legend 200 yuan

64, silently 200 yuan

65, Li Bai 500 yuan

66, Aaron 200

67. Li Hongjun 300 yuan

68, crazy leap 500 yuan

69, captain 200 yuan

70, Lao Peng 200 yuan

71, Jinhong Xiaoli 200 yuan

72, Laotian 200 yuan

73, 200 yuan for strolling in the courtyard

74. Xuanjie’s Laodou 200 yuan

75, about 300 yuan, Mr.

76. Zhang Haoran 500 yuan

77. Zhao Wuli 300 yuan

78, Aliya 200 yuan

Time is tight and tasks are heavy. After the deadline for registration, many riders called and sent WeChat to actively participate in fundraising. We can only express our gratitude with a thank you! Why only raise donations for one day, so that these materials can be delivered to the front-line staff at the exit card points of the 10 major expressways in Zhengzhou as soon as possible!

Because the materials are not in Zhengzhou, we have to go to the Xinzheng factory to pull them in person. At present, we can’t contact the logistics trucks. It is unrealistic to deliver on the same day. We took advantage of half a day in the afternoon to coordinate the fleet of 10 vehicles. Therefore, we decided to The next morning, I went to collect supplies, and then sent the supplies to 10 expressway roadblocks separately on the same day.

The convoy arrived at the gate of the Xinzheng Disinfectant Factory at 8 o’clock in the morning on February 12th. Due to the short supply of products, a batch of products we wanted had already been produced overnight, but they still needed to be labeled and checked one by one before they could be delivered. We A group of 10 vehicles and 13 people had to wait outside the factory for more than an hour before they could be loaded.

The total amount of donations this time is 25,200 yuan, the purchased materials are 25,105 yuan, the banner is 80 yuan, and the balance of 15 yuan will be confiscated for the next public welfare activity.

The counterparts of this donation are 9 stations of the Zhengzhou Ring Expressway (in no particular order). Each station contains 5 barrels of 84 disinfectant in 25kg and 20 barrels of 75% alcohol in 5kg:

1. Zhengzhou South Railway Station (two large donations from Airport Expressway Station) 2. Houzhai Station 3. Cherry Valley Station 4. South Third Ring Station 5. Huiji Station 6. Wenhua Road Station 7. Huayuan Road Station 8. Liulin Station 9. East Third Ring Station

In the morning, the team members arrived at the Xinzheng factory area for shipment and distribution of materials non-stop. The handover of the entire donation activity was busy from early in the morning until 4:20 in the afternoon. During this period, our entire team members, some leaders of each site, and The two reporters from the urban channel of the provincial TV station did not bother to eat breakfast and lunch, but neither of them complained. Because all the restaurants have not opened yet during the special period, we discussed and worked hard to complete the task and then go back to each house. After the last stop, we all encouraged each other to say goodbye! I also hope that more caring people from all walks of life will participate. Let us work together to win this battle against the epidemic!

Finally, I would like to sincerely thank all the riders and their families who participated in this fundraising activity, and thank you for lending a helping hand in times of national crisis! grateful! grateful!

Off-road e family Zhengzhou team

Kyushu Coolplay Self-driving Club

February 12, 2020

Consumption list of donations:

When the country is in trouble, everyone is responsible! Support the front line, start with me! The love of the Zhengzhou team is in action

purchase note

When the country is in trouble, everyone is responsible! Support the front line, start with me! The love of the Zhengzhou team is in action

Procurement of anti-epidemic materials transfer certificate

When the country is in trouble, everyone is responsible! Support the front line, start with me! The love of the Zhengzhou team is in action

Loading of anti-epidemic materials

When the country is in trouble, everyone is responsible! Support the front line, start with me! The love of the Zhengzhou team is in action

When the country is in trouble, everyone is responsible! Support the front line, start with me! The love of the Zhengzhou team is in action

Just arrived at the assembly point

When the country is in trouble, everyone is responsible! Support the front line, start with me! The love of the Zhengzhou team is in action

A group of 10 off-road vehicles are all fully loaded

When the country is in trouble, everyone is responsible! Support the front line, start with me! The love of the Zhengzhou team is in action

The team is ready!

When the country is in trouble, everyone is responsible! Support the front line, start with me! The love of the Zhengzhou team is in action

Houzhai Toll Station

When the country is in trouble, everyone is responsible! Support the front line, start with me! The love of the Zhengzhou team is in action

Group photo of Zhengzhou South Railway Station and front-line personnel on site

When the country is in trouble, everyone is responsible! Support the front line, start with me! The love of the Zhengzhou team is in action

Coincidentally met with a reporter from Urban Channel on the spot for an interview

When the country is in trouble, everyone is responsible! Support the front line, start with me! The love of the Zhengzhou team is in action

When the country is in trouble, everyone is responsible! Support the front line, start with me! The love of the Zhengzhou team is in action

A group photo with the frontline staff at the exit of the Wenhua Road Toll Station.

When the country is in trouble, everyone is responsible! Support the front line, start with me! The love of the Zhengzhou team is in action

A group photo of the South Third Ring Road Toll Station and front-line staff.

When the country is in trouble, everyone is responsible! Support the front line, start with me! The love of the Zhengzhou team is in action

Zhengzhou South Station of Airport Expressway

When the country is in trouble, everyone is responsible! Support the front line, start with me! The love of the Zhengzhou team is in action

Zhengzhou South Railway Station Leadership Exchange

[The content comes from the off-road e family community]

Author: Coldplay Pilot

Link: http://bbs.ucar.run/thread_14750986_1_1.html