When the longest track meets the highest altitude, what sparks will bloom in the ultimate off-road car rally?

On June 14, the 2019 Third Ultimate Off-Road Rally Cooperation Signing Ceremony was held in Zhengzhou. At the meeting, Shuanghu County in Tibet, the county with the highest altitude in the world, and the Organizing Committee of the Third Ultimate Off-Road Rally signed an agreement on co-hosting the event. As one of the co-sponsors of the event, Shuanghu County will provide guidance and services for the event.

When the longest track meets the highest altitude, what sparks will bloom in the ultimate off-road car rally?

The third ultimate off-road car rally is a super car event of China’s own brand. Since its first session in 2017, it has won domestic and international competitions with the advantages of the longest distance in the world, the highest route altitude, and original race rules. It has attracted widespread attention from the motor sports industry and the outdoor circle and received unanimous praise from participating athletes. The goal of this event is public welfare, and in line with the principle of serving the tourism development along the way and serving the needs of outdoor sports, it has won strong support and praise from governments along the way.

Shuanghu County is affiliated to Nagqu City, Tibet Autonomous Region, with an average altitude of over 5,000 meters. It is the county-level unit with the highest altitude in the world. There are abundant travel resources in the area. The third largest land glacier, the scenery is magnificent. In recent years, the county government has launched a series of service measures to promote the development of the tourism industry. Mr. Liang Nanyu, Deputy Secretary-General of Nagqu Municipal Government and Deputy County Mayor of Shuanghu County, said in an interview that Shuanghu County is a national-level poverty-stricken county, but we have rich tourism resources. We regard the development of high-end customized tourism as the key to the county’s economic development and poverty alleviation. The main direction is to work with all parties in the Mainland to develop Shuanghu, deeply explore glacier tourism and Tibetan cultural tourism resources, benefit the local people, and create a harmonious society.

When the longest track meets the highest altitude, what sparks will bloom in the ultimate off-road car rally?

Wang Guangfeng, chairman of Henan Intermediate Off-Road Sports Planning Co., Ltd., the organizer of the event, said that the company has always attached importance to the development of mass sports, developed a model of sports plus tourism, and deeply promoted the development of tourism resources. In 2017, with the strong support of Qinghai Yushu Prefecture Tourism Bureau, this event was held for the first time. The event is a public welfare event. The heads of various departments of the organizing committee participated in the event as volunteers without remuneration. For the third race this year, the applicants responded enthusiastically, and there are still dozens of cars waiting in line for the alternate competition, which shows the popularity and influence of the race.

Axia Yonghong, Director of Culture, Sports, Tourism, Radio, Film and Television of Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai Province, who initiated the event, sent a congratulatory message from Yushu, expressing that the county will continue to support the event.

According to the organizer, this event is scheduled to start in Yushu City, Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai Province on September 6. The number of participating cars is limited to 50. The total length of the track is more than 7,000 kilometers, and the total length of special stages is more than 3,000 kilometers. The race lasts 15 days above. The race route passes through Yushu in Qinghai, Nagqu in Tibet, Shuanghu, Ngari, Xinjiang-Tibet line, and finally Xinjiang.

Lu Ningjun, a famous racing driver and a senior in the racing industry, told reporters excitedly at the signing ceremony that this race is the most difficult race in the history of racing and among the types of car races. It can be called the race of kings. battle. It is a crazy move to hold an auto race in such a difficult and challenging environment, and it is also a very meaningful event, which will definitely add new style and new impetus to auto sports.