Why is the Yangtze River rich in “stoves”?

-This is the 250th original main article of self-driving geography-

Affected by continuous heavy rainfall

The No. 1 flood of 2019 formed in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River

Facing severe floods

The Three Gorges Reservoir will start on the 12th

Gradually reduce outbound traffic

From the 13th, it will be controlled at a daily average of 17,000 cubic meters per second

Alleviate flood control pressure in the Dongting Lake area and the middle and lower reaches of the main stream

▼The world’s largest and most controversial Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River, picture by Le Grand Portage

Why is the Yangtze River rich in

This year along the Yangtze River in southern my country

looks extra cool

Even famous stoves in Chongqing, Wuhan, Changsha, etc.

All turned off

Then here comes the problem

Why is Furnace City basically

Are they all along the Yangtze River?

▼The Yangtze River Basin and the traditional “Four Stoves”, pictured by “China Self-Driving Geography”

Why is the Yangtze River rich in

There is such a definition in climatology:

in a year

More than 20 days with the highest temperature exceeding 35°C

And there have been high temperature weather above 40 ℃

Such cities are called “stoves”


Specialties of the Yangtze River: Furnace City

The term “Stove City”

It first appeared in the period of the Republic of China

Mostly in the Yangtze River Basin

Chongqing, Wuhan, Nanjing, Nanchang

Some people exchanged Nanchang for Changsha

▼Why do they become “stoves”? Picture by “China Self-driving Geography”

Why is the Yangtze River rich in

Others put Chongqing, Nanjing, Hangzhou

Shanghai, Nanchang, Changsha, Wuhan

Collectively known as the “Seven Furnaces”

There are even new stoves

such as fuzhou

▼See if there is any city you are in, picture by “China Self-driving Geography”

Why is the Yangtze River rich in

These cities are really hot

Take Wuhan as an example

In 1934 there was a record of 41.3°C

Successfully won the “Furnace Champion” throne for Jiangcheng

this circumstance occurs

because of the Yangtze River Basin

It is on the mysterious 30° north latitude line

It belongs to the subtropical high pressure belt (abbreviation: subtropical high)

controlled arid zone

▼The concentration of unsolved mysteries in the world – the 30° north latitude line, pictured by “China Self-driving Geography”

Why is the Yangtze River rich in

The subtropical high pressure zone belongs to the “warm constitution”

when it controls an area


Clear skies with few clouds and intense air warming

It is easy to cause “high fever” in the area

When meeting the “cold physique” airflow from the north

Fire and water between the two

As soon as we met, we started fighting

Common is the formation of frontal precipitation

▼Summer’s “protagonist” Deputy High is about to start performing, picture by “China Self-driving Geography”

Why is the Yangtze River rich in

it will rain

The sun will come out in another moment

Humid air with scorching sun

unbearably hot

Not only that

Most of the Yangtze River Basin is located in the

Between 25° and 35° north latitude

Backed by the world’s largest continent


Facing the world’s largest ocean

Pacific Ocean

The monsoon formed by the difference between land and sea

Breaking through the layers of subtropical high encirclement

A dry continental climate is

Hot and rainy subtropical monsoon climate

▼The subtropical monsoon climate is distributed in the area south of the Huaihe River in the Qinling Mountains and north of the tropical monsoon climate, which is very suitable for human habitation. Picture by “China Self-driving Geography”

Why is the Yangtze River rich in

In particular, the Yangtze River Basin is mainly located in the

In low latitudes, mountainous hills or valleys

like the bottom of a cauldron

very poor air flow

Can’t dissipate heat

places like Chongqing

City on the Leeward Slope of the Yangtze River Valley

The river itself is densely covered with high air humidity

The sweltering day keeps making for down the hillside

downward wind heating

Often easily lead to the combustion of combustibles

This kind of weather is called “foehn effect”

▼The humid air managed to reach the top of the mountain to cool down, but when it descended the mountain, it was heated and dried by the sun. The foehn effect can make the leaves of the trees scorched, and the land cracked and caused severe drought.

Why is the Yangtze River rich in

water removes heat

It’s a pity that the water systems of cities along the Yangtze River are generally not deep

Poor ability to regulate temperature

And the middle and lower reaches are flat

Slow water flow results in poor heat transfer capacity

▼The first bay of the Yangtze River, pictured by VIP member Recreation

Why is the Yangtze River rich in

At the same time, urban buildings, roads, etc. store and release heat

The temperature in the urban area is significantly higher than that in the suburbs

Once the water temperature rises

Evaporation increases air humidity

dense urban buildings

Smaller winds can’t disperse the moist air mass

Most cities with shallow water systems

Will be superimposed with construction and other factors

Exacerbate the “urban heat island effect”

Easier to raise the temperature

This is why there are many “stoves” along the Yangtze River

▼Comparing the temperature between the city and the suburbs, the heat island effect is quite obvious

Why is the Yangtze River rich in


How did they become furnaces?

every summer

For those who live in the “stove”

Going out is the oven

Walking is Mala Tang

Sitting down is the iron sweep

in this hot weather

When I meet friends, I don’t ask where I’m going

It ‘s about how familiar you are today~

Chongqing, Wuhan, Nanjing, Nanchang

Collectively known as the “Four Traditional Stoves”

They are second only to Turpan in Xinjiang in terms of heat

▼Kubtag Desert, Turpan, Xinjiang, picture by Vined

Why is the Yangtze River rich in

Except that the high altitude is controlled by the subtropical high in summer

The same factors as “foehn effect”, “heat island effect” and so on

The main causes of the different furnace cities

still slightly different

Chongqing, the Big Brother of the “Stove City”

Its heat is not “blown”

Located on the edge of the Sichuan Basin

Surrounded by mountains, built on the mountain

Poor air circulation and long-term heat build-up

It is also the place where two major rivers (Yangtze River and Jialing River) flow through

High humidity and dense population

The whole Chongqing is like being in a big steamer

▼Chongqing is located in the mountains and hills, and guards the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River. It has been a strategic place since ancient times. The picture is by “China Self-driving Geography”

Why is the Yangtze River rich in

Nanchang, a city of heroes deep inland

so that it cannot be like Guangzhou and other coastal cities

There are typhoons and oceanic climate cooling

Monsoon can’t get in

Humid air won’t dissipate

Also affected by Poyang Lake

(Large lakes regulate the temperature of surrounding areas)

if summer comes

The continuous high temperature will cause the water temperature to accumulate and rise

Sustained high temperature, muggy, windless, humid

extreme weather

▼The largest freshwater lake in China and one of the most important ecological areas in the world, picture by “China Self-driving Geography”

Why is the Yangtze River rich in

And Wuhan is a thousand-year-old “river city”

The water area accounts for a quarter of the city’s area

It’s hot like a sauna

A lot of water vapor evaporates

Hot air enveloped the entire city

▼A city that can be freestyle on the water, pictured by “China Self-Driving Geography”

Why is the Yangtze River rich in

Nanjing has won the essence of “Xia Jiujiu”

“The first nine days of the summer solstice, holding the lupine in hand…”

It can become a stove mainly because the latitude is low

The sun’s radiation is strong

Less precipitation leads to high temperature


People at the “Stove”

go out with a towel on

Holding a teapot on a bamboo bed in an old street

Shirtless and ” chatting with the neighbors …

These unique ways of escaping the heat

It can be seen everywhere on the streets of the former Wuhan (Wuhan)

▼With air conditioning, Wuhan residents bid farewell to the “bamboo bed array” of the past, picture by Changjiang Daily

Why is the Yangtze River rich in

In the era without air conditioning

People living in the “Four Furnaces”

one to summer

It’s really booming, in a trance

After all, there is no difference between the high temperature indoors and outdoors.

hot weather

No matter how good the mood is, you will be irritable

so there is

“I’d rather listen to Chengdu people quarrel than Chongqing people”

Both in Sichuan dialect

Compared with the cotton spoken by Chengdu people

Chongqing dialect sounds more aggressive

▼Chongqing Yanzi, how many do you know? Figure bywaterrhhh

Why is the Yangtze River rich in

High temperature in August is still a main course

People in the Yangtze River Basin eat it but cannot digest it

it’s easy to be impulsive

And they all ran out of the house to get together to cool off

chat chat chat life

We’re done talking, let’s start

Therefore, the first shot of the Wuchang Shouyi of the Revolution of 1911

and ushered in a new era of Chinese revolution

The first shot in Nanchang City

Is it because of impulse?

▼Wuchang Uprising Army Artillery

Why is the Yangtze River rich in

However, there are other alternative ways

as the former capital

Nanjing is more particular

“Ten li of Qinhuai produces a spring dream, and the six dynasties will meet Jinling.”

As a beautiful scenery in Nanjing

Qinhuai Fengyue in summer

become many literati

A great place to cool off and entertain

▼Ten miles of Qinhuai Fengyue is just right, the picture by is with you all the way

Why is the Yangtze River rich in

In fact, God still favors these places

He turned these cities into “stoves”

also around

leave a piece of summer resort

Such as Wuhan Jiugong Mountain

One of the birthplaces of Taoism in my country

There is a saying that “people who are steaming in the dog days are about to die, and they will become immortals when they come here to cool down”.

▼The scenery of Jiugong Mountain, picture byliukeqiang55

Why is the Yangtze River rich in

Chongqing Fuling Wuling Mountain

As a natural summer and cool place in the suburbs

The average temperature in summer is only 19.7°C

▼The breathtaking Great Rift Valley in Wuling Mountain, pictured by Golden Rabbit

Why is the Yangtze River rich in

Another example is “Little Lushan” Meiling

Located in the western suburbs of Nanchang

Since ancient times, there have been celebrities such as Zhang Jiuling, Wang Anshi, Yue Fei, etc.

Come here especially

▼With the development of the city, Meiling has gradually become a garden in the city, picture byhb59

Why is the Yangtze River rich in

Since the beginning of summer this year

Our country is always “hot at both ends and cool in the middle”

Even the “stove” is turned off

It is said that the rainy season is playing tricks

So it’s going to be cool for another week

▼Temperature in the last 5 days across the country, picture by National Climate Center

Why is the Yangtze River rich in

This coolness is for those who are not resistant to heat

but a good thing

so why not now

follow our road book

Heading out together to escape the heat?

-Part of the picture comes from the Internet-

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