【Encyclopedia】How to use the gas on the RV safely

As a platform for outdoor and camp life, the RV is naturally very important for energy. Since the RV itself is extremely mobile, it is very necessary to carry the potential of storing and producing energy when it is inconvenient to connect to external energy sources (electricity, gas, etc.). In terms of electricity, it is generally generated by a mixture of automobile generators (12V), solar energy (12V) and household generators (220V, generally 1000w ~ 4000w), and stored in deep cycle batteries. Automobile generators and household generators are highly dependent on gasoline or diesel, and are not suitable for long-term use due to the disadvantages of high energy consumption, noise, and exhaust gas. Solar energy is too much affected by the external environment and is not suitable as the main energy source. The weight and volume of the battery , Storage capacity is also a problem. Then the use of more efficient and clean gas for energy-intensive equipment such as heating, stoves, and water heaters has become an inevitable choice for RV travel.

Gas equipment on the RV

The stove, oven, heater, water heater, refrigerator and even generator on the RV can use gas as energy.



The stove on the RV is generally a gas stove, and many RVs in China are equipped with an induction cooker. Compared with gas stoves, induction cookers are smoke-free and easy to carry. However, the power of induction cookers is generally 1800W ~ 2100W, which consumes too much power, and long-term use is also a test for the wiring harness on the RV. In summary, it is recommended to use a gas stove for RVs.

【Encyclopedia】How to use the gas on the RV safely


warm air

Common heating systems for RVs include fuel heaters, car air conditioners (12V), RV air conditioners (220V), electric heaters (12V), gas heaters, and more. Each heating method has its own advantages and disadvantages. The main reason for choosing gas heating is because of its high heating rate and the ability to share one energy source with other equipment in the RV.

【Encyclopedia】How to use the gas on the RV safely


water heater

Many gas water heaters on RVs share a combustion chamber with the gas heater. Of course, there are also methods such as electric water heaters, engine heat recovery and fuel heaters. In terms of selection, it is basically selected according to the design ideas of the RV manufacturer.

【Encyclopedia】How to use the gas on the RV safely



Unlike the refrigerators used in the home, the refrigerators on the RV need to have good anti-bump, quiet and energy-saving characteristics. Generally, the refrigerators at home are not allowed to be used within 12 hours after moving, so the refrigerators on RVs are mostly absorption refrigerators dedicated to RVs. Absorption refrigerators can be driven by various energy sources such as 12V, 220V and gas, but the cooling effect is: gas > 220V > 12V.

【Encyclopedia】How to use the gas on the RV safely


oven and generator

Some imported high-end RVs are equipped with gas ovens, and gas generators are rare in China, so I won’t describe them here.

【Encyclopedia】How to use the gas on the RV safely

What kind of gas does the RV use?

What kind of gas does the RV use? This question seems simple, but when we asked everyone, we got various answers. Some said gas, some said it was liquefied petroleum gas, and some said it was natural gas. The correct answer is: liquefied petroleum gas.

Coal gas is a gas containing combustible components processed from coal. Because of its easy poisoning and low calorific value, it is basically invisible now. The gas that many people refer to actually refers to the current liquefied petroleum gas. The reason why it is called so is because we used to use gas for a period of time in the 1970s and 1980s and it was also filled with steel tanks. The main component of natural gas is methane, which is mainly transported by pipeline. The gas that is piped into our home and calculated by cubic meter is natural gas. One thing to note is that because the heat generated after combustion is different, liquefied petroleum gas stoves and natural gas stoves are not universal.

Gas Safety Tips

The space of the RV is relatively compact, and the gas equipment and electrical equipment are relatively concentrated, so in terms of safety, special attention should be paid to the following three points.

1. Installation, RV gas tanks are generally installed on the outside of the vehicle (common in American trailers) and in independent storage spaces with vents (common in European trailers and domestic RVs), and the pipes are made of corrosion-resistant pipes. In terms of pipelines, follow the principles of not passing through bedrooms, bathrooms and minimizing the length of pipelines. As a user, you only need to understand it simply.

2. Use, during the use of gas equipment, attention should be paid to the function of the ventilation and alarm equipment in good condition. Ventilation includes ensuring the smooth flow of air during combustion and the smooth flow of exhaust gases. Carbon monoxide alarms, gas alarms, and smoke alarms inside the RV should be checked at regular intervals to see if they are working properly. In addition, special attention should be paid not to use gas equipment during driving.

【Encyclopedia】How to use the gas on the RV safely

3. Detection, it is difficult for users to detect by themselves without leakage, because the safety of the gas system requires professional technology and equipment. Since you can’t test it yourself, make a test plan and leave the professional work to professional people. The pipeline in the car can be inspected by the 4S shop, while the gas tank needs a special inspection agency to complete it. The steel cylinders containing liquefied petroleum gas are generally inspected every 3-5 years. Don’t forget.


The advantages and disadvantages of gas and other energy sources in use depend on the specific usage conditions. If you are only on a short-term vacation, electric energy is definitely more suitable, while people who travel for a long time will prefer gas. While learning about RV-related content satisfies curiosity, don’t forget that whether you choose gas or electricity, safety is always the first. A final word of caution, if you are not a professional, please do not attempt to modify gas and electrical systems.

In addition, be careful not to use gas equipment when the RV is moving. When inflating, make sure that the inflation volume does not exceed 80% of the capacity. Properly filled LPG is about 80% of its volume. Over-inflation can result in uncontrollable gas leakage that can cause an explosion or fire.

If you smell:

1. Extinguish all open flames, lights and smoking items.

2. Do not press the electrical switch.

3. Close the air valve or air supply connector.

4. Open doors, windows and other non-electrical control vents.

5. Leave immediately until the smell is exhausted.

6. Check the system immediately and correct the source of the gas leak before turning the light back on.